Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sri Lankan cuisine shares much with Indian cuisine,

Sri Lankan cuisine shares much with Indian cuisine, and the two countries have exchanged many dishes. Sri Lankan dishes often take the form of rice (boiled or steamed) with curry. 

Some popular Sri Lankan recipes and dishes include:
  • Hoppers - Pancakes made from rice flour, coconut milk, and palm toddy (an alcoholic beverage made from palm sap) or yeast. There are many varieties of hoppers, including versions with egg, with creamy coconut milk inside, and sweet varieties. Hoppers may be eaten for breakfast or dinner.
  • Kiribath - Rice cooked in coconut milk. The dish is prepared by boiling the rice in water for about 15 minutes, and then adding coconut milk and continuing to cook until the liquid is absorbed. Salt is used to season the dish when cooking, and cashew or sesame seeds are also sometimes added. Kiribath may be eaten with lunumiris (red onions and fiery spices), with jaggery (unrefined sugar) and bananas, or on special occasions with various sweets.
  • Koola'ya - A dish made from mixing leftover curries with rice, and making it into balls. It is often served at temples, and is eaten with chapati (thin flatbread).
  • Kottu - A pancake with vegetables, egg and meat. There are many varieties including both vegetarian and meat versions. Although not traditional, cheese is also nowadays sometimes added to the dish.
  • Vada - A savory snak made from dal (stewed pulses), lentil, or potato.
On this page, you will find a selection of Sri Lankan cookbooks.

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